Wayne King
Wayne King

hace poco comenzó a enseñar Soldadura básica en Job Corps de Earle C. Clements. Se jubiló de la marina, tiene experiencia previa en la reparación de astilleros y educación de soldadura y actualmente es docente de soldadura certificado por AWS. Wayne disfruta de la docencia como una manera de retribuir a los jóvenes.




On the job you will …

  • Join metals using a variety of techniques and processes 
  • Read blueprints, work orders or production schedules to determine product or job instructions or specifications 
  • Inspect, measure or test completed metalwork pieces to ensure conformance to specifications, using measuring and testing devices 

Some of the career options you will have:

Most Welding Job Corps graduates go on to work for manufacturing companies, construction, wholesale trade or repair shops. 

Students should also consider pursuing the Advanced Welding training area and other Advanced Training programs at Job Corps as part of their career pathway.

The credentials you will earn:

In the Welding program, you can earn industry-recognized credentials from such organizations as: 

  • American Welding Society (AWS) 
  • National Institute for Metalworking Skills (NIMS) 

Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program.

What you’ll need to start training:

  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent  
  • Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses  
  • Passing scores on all written and performance tests  
  • Meet academic (math and reading) requirements 
National Rate Max Value

Advanced Manufacturing

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Job Corps offers training in the following advanced manufacturing areas. Get started today.

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advanced manufacturing hero image
Advanced Manufacturing
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Light Blue
Landing Page Title
Advanced Manufacturing
URL Path
Short Description

Welders join metals using a variety of techniques and processes.

National Rate Avg Value
National Rate Min Value